
Showing posts from 2019

Dear Men

Before I start, a disclaimer:  For the purposes of this posting, "Men" shall refer generally to cisgendered men who are attracted to women.  "Women" or "we," on the other hand, will refer not only femme-identified people, but all people who present or are perceived femme regardless of sex or gender identity.  This is not meant to be exclusionary, but rather is because I need to be understood by idiots. Dear Men, You are not "a nice guy." I know you aren't because of how hard you're trying to convince everyone around you that you are. The louder you scream "not all men," the easier it is to identify that you ARE DEFINITELY one of THOSE men. The PROBLEM men. Dear Men, If your response to a woman saying "This is why we are afraid" while posting an article about A MAN SHOOTING AN INFANT because he was rejected by a mother is not with disgust and grief and remorse and heartfelt sympathy, but is...